Conversations and Registrations: Our Weekend at Liberty Forum

We just wrapped up a fantastic weekend at Liberty Forum! It was impressive to meet so many new people who will be joining us for the first time, as well as catch up with some PorcFest veterans who will be attending their 10th event this year!

A big thank you to everyone who stopped by the PorcFest table for tickets and conversation, and special thanks to those who went above and beyond with generous donations and sponsorships.

Shortly after setting up, our registration desk became one one of the most popular tables at Liberty Forum.


When we said we’d accept any currency for PorcFest registration, we had no idea we’d receive over $300 in silver. That’s Liberty Forum for ya!

Organizer Mike interviewed with Free Talk Live. Thanks for having us on!

A GIANT standing ovation for Liberty Forum organizer Chris Lawless and all the others who Liberty Forum an outstanding event.