Principles of PorcFest

As more and more people visit and move to New Hampshire, so too has PorcFest grown over the years. These Principles have been crafted not as a dictate of how people should be and act, but as a reflection of the community’s ethos and culture as it has organically developed since the event’s inception and as an aspiration of how we hope it continues to mature.

Principles of PorcFest

Principles of PorcFest

  1. Inspire: Demonstrate the value of the Free State Project through rhetoric and reality.
  2. Educate: Expand our understanding of the philosophy of liberty and how to manifest it in our lives.
  3. Rights: Respect personal and property rights. Clean up after yourselves and each other. Exercise proper firearms etiquette.
  4. Inclusion: Interact courteously with fellow attendees, vendors, and
    volunteers. We welcome and respect people with different backgrounds and philosophies.
  5. Participate: Don’t just attend – volunteer, vend, promote, share your project or passion.
  6. Community: Uphold and share the values that make us great. Cooperate and collaborate. Contribute to and take advantage of our amazing resources.
  7. Celebrate: Express your excitement at having found your tribe!