Fire Spinners

Come down to the field and check out the art of fire spinning – an event you don’t want to miss!

Toilet Paper Fashion Show

Here’s a great way to show off your inner designer. Join us for a fun-filled hour of laughs in our friendly toilet paper fashion event. Signs-ups are to be at 4:00PM-4:30PM with teams of two.

Water Games

Start the day off right with water games, from sling-shot sponges to water balloon baseball, squirt gun tag and more!

Ice Cream Social

Gather together for refreshing ice cream and socialize with other PorcFest attendees. There will be treats for four-legged friends as well.

Splash Party

It’s time to cool down and have a blast! This activity’s day or time will change with rain or chilly weather. Just check the white board at PorcuPint Central for updates.

Kids’ PorcOlympics

Join Margot & Bradley for the epic 10th annual Kids’ PorcOlympics. We have so much fun!! Bradley was a Penn State Decathlete who leads this “run-jump-throw” events for the kids.

Holi Rave

A rave dance party on the field – adults only please!

Glow Ultimate Frisbee

The objective is to pass the disc among your teammates until a player can catch it in the end zone for a score, much like in football. An organized, competitive game!


Returning for a fourth year, it’s Porcupine Dodgeball! Run around and throw dodgeballs at your fellow porcupines while jamming out to EDM. If you want to engage in acceptable violations of the NAP, this is the event for you!