Hubs of Activity – Details

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Pavillion [Venue]
‘Big shows. Big names. Big times.’
Derek Proulx
Map: ‘Pav’
For Whom: Folks who like large talks or formal events.
Activities: Debates, presentations, competitions, panels
History: The Pavilion traditionally was where we had our largest events and really was the centerpiece of PorcFest. The center of PorcFest has now moved to the decentralized hubs in the campsite, but oftentimes an event becomes just too large for a hub and so must be moved to the Pavilion.
Note: Come down and enjoy!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Liberty 101 [Venue]
‘Learning about Liberty’
Scott Sheller
Map: ‘101’
For Whom: Attendees can get ‘caught up’ on Free State/liberty concepts. These topics are especially useful for spouses, friends, and PF newbies, for whom this whole experience may be new, however many topics offered might well be new, or worth review, to even the most grizzly liberty lover.
Activities: The following tracks are offered throughout the day:
10A: Beginning Economics
11A: Liberty/libertarianism/freedom
12P: FSP purpose/history/aspects
1P: Tools for creating more freedom
2P: Organizations of freedom
3P: Advanced/Controversial Topics
4P: Money & Guns
5P: NH History & Geography
6P: Movie
History: While many PF attendees are OG Porcupines, every year PorcFest welcomes a large number of newbies. It can be bewildering hearing the number of unfamiliar topics discussed throughout the campground. This hub of activity is set up to provide quick introductions so newbies can follow along and contribute to the more decentralized discussions throughout the campground.
Note: This room is right above the Arcade, in the Rogers Office Building. Stand outside the arcade by the rock. Take the outdoor staircase to the Liberty 101 room.


Free State Live [Venue]
‘ Meet the org at the heart of it all’
Mrs Kin (Justin O’Donnell, Kevin Haley)
Map: ‘FSP’
For Whom: Libertarian “doers” who are curious about FSP as an organization
Those already involved and want to share their stories
Activities: The Free State Project has fostered an amazing decentralized liberty movement in New Hampshire. Meet the organization at the heart of it all. As well as recording the Free State Live podcast with a live audience, we’ll be hosting AMAs with FSP board members and gatherings for volunteers and donors.
History: The official hub of the FSP
Note: Catch Free State Live every Monday!
[Image] [Website]


PorcRanger Info [Venue]
‘Skills to sharpen your quills’
Sean Parizo
Map: ‘PR’
For Whom:
Activities: Security related talks, classes and events to empower our porcupine community! This is also the PorcRanger station where you can find your helpful security support volunteers and the lost+found.


Porcupints [Venue]
‘Where children (& families) gather!’
StephAnie Buzzell
Map: ‘PINT’
For Whom: Children, Teens and Families
Activities: Games and activities for children and families.
History: Every year PorcuPints is the place to be for children and their families. Don’t miss long time favorites like Humans versus Zombies and Tie Dying! Gather for kid’s markets, movie nights, and so much more!


Field [Venue]
‘Large-scale games and get-togethers’
Map: ‘FLD’
For Whom: Your more atheletic types
Activities: During the day, the field will be used for doggy meetups, for frisbee, for kickball, for games, for dance. At nightl we’ll have a BonFire. On Saturday we take our class picture. And burn the Porcupine at the end of the festival.
Reserve space before the festival, and if no one has reserved it, come and use (consciously and respectfully) the space.
Note: Be conscious and careful. Enter at own risk.


‘Realtors Building our Liberty Homeland’
Constance Spencer (Jack, Michael, Amber, Aubrey, Regan)
Map: ‘HOME’
For Whom: Potential Movers, Homeowners, Investors, and Homesteaders
Activities: One-on-one Consultations about your Real Estate intentions; Valuable and Interesting Presentations, including Q&A’s.
History: Our team has been helping movers reach the Libertarian Homeland for years and as a result we have an abundance of information and resources to share with you to help you make your move as smooth as possible.
Constance Spencer, the team lead holds a broker license and has been a Realtor in NH since 2015. Her first Porcfest was 2013, and she moved her family to NH soon after. She’s been a speaker at Liberty Forum and PorcFest since 2015. This year she is a producer of PorcFest and welcomes any questions about making your move or general information about NH and PorcFest! You’re welcome to come find her and ask anything!

Our other team members have also been hosting talks about a variety of interesting topics about living in the Free State since 2021 under different brokerages. In the fall of 2022, we decided to create a new real estate team that consolidates our experience under the Independence Realty Group.

We look forward to helping educate potential movers and assisting you in making your move or improving your life through real estate!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Goldback Marketplace [Venue]
‘A free market, currency exchange, venue’
Benjamin Shaffer (Alpine Gold of Manchester)
Map: ‘GB’
For Whom: Vendors who need a higher traffic booth should join and set up inside the marketplace
Activities: Currency exchange services for all currencies, crypto, and precious metals, Goldbacks will be available here. Alos a bazaar, and vendor spaces.
History: Past Porcfests have seen Goldback grow from having a small booth, to a small pavilion, now we will host a full marketplace for food, fun, leisure, merchants and anything else! You can turn your fiat paper money into real gold, sell back your goldbacks for Crypto, got any foreign currency? we will exchange it all for you! Did you bring something to sell? sell it here! Do you need a place to serve food? serve it here!
Note: Can you please use the Goldback logo on the map at the pavilion location, instead of just the letters GB? I would also like to send you more art assets for you to include on the main state signage etc, or on backgrounds on the screens as part of our sponsorship.
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


🔥The Event Canopy🔥 [Venue]
‘🔥Come spark your imagination with us!🔥’
Ilma (Ron)
Map: ‘FIRE’
For Whom: Got something to say? Want to hear an interesting talk? Hoping to meet new friends? Yearning to learn a new skill? We’ve got something for everyone at the Event Canopy. Alone we know a little. Together we know it all. 🔥
Activities: From knitting to 3D printed guns, raving to State-wide emergency comms, 2A to AA, we’re happy to be THE place where porcs share their knowledge, meetup with birds of a feather, dance the night away, and fix the world while we’re at it. 🔥
History: This is our 4th year hosting the Event Canopy! Every year has been better than the last and this one promises to be the best yet! We’re hosting more than 80 hours of talks, demos, meetups, and even a dance party! Last year we expanded into the adjoining site (L-12), where we set up a separate shop for the fire-starting demos and selling of gear. This set up worked great, so the SHOP will be back too. Come check out what’s happening at the Event Canopy and then stop by the SHOP to pick up one of our world-class fire-starters for your site.

🔥Your purchases at the SHOP next door are what makes it possible for us to provide the Event Canopy free of charge to speakers and attendees alike.* 🔥

*Some classes may require a fee which is set by the speaker. We do not charge for the use of our site.
Note: See you at PFXX!!!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Free State Based Venue [Venue]
‘Follow me to be free!’
Jess Pelletier (Rosa, Nolan, Patrick)
Map: ‘FSBV’
For Whom: Unapologetic freedom enthusiasts and based libertarians!
Activities: Talks, debates, panels
History: Growing a librarian homeland. This is the premier of the FSB hub at Porcfest. We welcome all liberty lovers who share our goal for creating a libertarian homeland here the free state.
[Image] [Website]


Liberty Ecclesia [Venue]
‘Christians who love liberty!’
Varrin Swearingen (Edi Swearingen )
Map: ‘LE’
For Whom: Anyone looking for family-friendly discussion, socials and more, conveniently located across from the playground.
Activities: Church service, talks, lunch-time discussions, socials.
History: Christians have met every PorcFest, without exception. This year, Liberty Ecclesia continues to provide a place for Christians to gather, and for all to enjoy learning about the most influential anti-state, pro-liberty activist of all time: Jesus Christ.
Note: fb://group/261036864071832?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Libertarian Party [Venue]
Ben Weir (Angela McArdle)
Map: ‘LP’
For Whom: People who are members, or wish to become members, of the third largest political party in the world.
Activities: We will be speaking events with several prominent well-known Libertarians.
[Image] [Website]


Free the People [Venue]
‘Community, Beer and Conversation.’
Terry and Matt Kibbe (Lions of Liberty)
Map: ‘FtP’
For Whom: The Liberty Curious
Activities: Free the People is Partnering with Lions for Liberty to bring you an even cooler experience this year. Join us for live recordings of Kibbe on Liberty, Comedy, Happy Hours, awesome conversations and beer and wine.
History: Long time members of the PorcFest Community
[Telegram] [Website]


Lions of Liberty Lair [Venue]
‘A Place to Roar ‘
Constance Spencer (Free the People, Matt Kibbe, Terry Kibbe)
Map: ‘LoL ‘
For Whom: We want builders and dreamers, not whiners and complainers.
Activities: We’re lucky enough to partner with Free the People for live podcasts, comedy, myth-building workshops and much more.
History: For those who don’t know us, or who need to be reintroduced, we are one of the forerunners of the digital liberty movement. Created as a result of Ron Paul’s inspiration, we became the inspiration for a new generation of liberty thinkers. We’ve gone through some changes. We’ve broken some bones and drank a lot of whiskey. But we have a lot more to say, and it’s different from anything you’ll find anywhere else. Freedom Futurism is here. And it’s the best chance we got.
[Image] [Website]


Free State Discord [Venue]
‘Where freedom meets fun!’
Zack Hodgdon (Kevin Haley, Rusty Shackleford, Doug Campbell, Nick Renford, and Malena Bonilla)
Map: ‘DSCD’
For Whom: Board, card, and video game enthusiasts, and other perpetually online porcupines.
Activities: Join us at the Discord hub, the place to hang out and meet like-minded individuals! We’ve got everything you need to have a blast, including a selection of board games, video games, and even a projector for engaging media experiences. Come test your skills at our tournaments and make new friends in a fun, casual, freedom-loving atmosphere. Create events on the fly, or come by for special planned events, such as our custom PorcFest themed Call of Cthulhu one shot campaign!
History: Last year, a group of people who met on the Free State Project Discord decided to go-in together on a plot. Having never met in person before, they went in with bold ideas and trust. The original expectation was for 5 people… We quickly realized after people started coming over to meet each other that we needed more room. Before long, the group amassed to over 30 people who came to visit and hang out. We played Magic The Gathering, watched movies on a projector, told stories by the fire, and did group meals. This year we decided to make the hub formal and upgrade our space!
[Image] [Website]


Spiritual Village [Venue]
‘Home for spirit, freedom and harmony ‘
Devin Rogers (New Vinland, Sovereign Love, Paravida Yoga )
Map: ‘SV’
For Whom: Anyone looking for spiritual harmony and community
Activities: Yoga, meditations, talks, discussions, and workshops on spirituality.
History: New Vinland has been offering a Norse Pagan summer solstice ceremony at Porcfest since 2018. This has evolved into Spiritual Village where we celebrate and introduce many spiritual traditions to the freedom loving communities at Porcfest.
Note: Join us to bring freedom and choice into the world through spiritual diversity of every flavor! This event is organized by New Vinland so please send any questions to


VT/Latina Libertarian [Venue]
‘Holistic Space; Food, Acupuncture, Fun’
Olga Maria (Latina Libertarian, LPVT)
Map: ‘VT’
For Whom: Holistic health, Cannabis, Latin music/food, podcast fans
Activities: Morning Community Acupuncture 9-10 am, Private sessions available. Spanish Caribbean food; rice, beans etc. Cannabis brownies baby!!
History: Love vibing with fellow Liberty lovers and sharing my medicine, knowledge and food!
Note: Will be planning a birthday party!!


Porcupine Real Estate [Venue]
‘Housing, investments, and community’
Mark Warden (The Porcupine Real Estate Team)
Map: ‘OWN’
For Whom: Anyone looking to purchase a home, land, or investment property in NH, and those who want to learn more about the FSP/liberty community.
Activities: Conversations and presentations related to life and real estate in New Hampshire, including investing, house-hunting, homesteading, cryptocurrency, Airbnb, making the move, building community, expanding freedom, and more.
History: Porcupine Real Estate is the largest independent real estate firm serving Free Staters and liberty lovers, covering the entire state of New Hampshire. Come meet our professional agents all week long. Broker/owner Mark Warden moved to the Free State in 2007 and is the original “Porcupine Realtor.”
[Image] [Website]


Sober Porc [Venue]
‘To Thine Own Self Be True’
Map: ‘AA’
For Whom: Anyone who wants to benefit from living a sober and cogent lifestyle
Activities: 12&12, Speaker Meetings and Big Book
History: Additional AA discussions and meetings


Gamers Lounge [Venue]
‘Porcupines like to play too!’
David Wilson (Michele Arko)
Map: ‘Game’
For Whom: Do you love games? Do you strive to win? This is your place.
Activities: Games, legos for the kids, discussions about games, cookies…. What more can you need!
History: This is our third PF and we have met many Liberty minded gamers. Come join our growing community.


Decentralized New Hampshire [Venue]
Brian Becker
Map: ‘DCNH’
For Whom:
[Image] [Website]


Rebel Civics – Unsafe Space [Venue]
‘Civics show based on liberty principles’
Keith Bessette (Carter Laren)
Map: ‘REBL’
For Whom: Folks interested in principled civics and secession topics, and Rebel Civics show guests
Activities: Rebel Civics show episode recordings and talks by Keith on topics related to the show’s focus.
Hosted by Keith Bessette, Rebel Civics covers the principles of society and government, the ideas upon which America was founded, the history of the development of these principles, and current events in relation to them.
Rebel (n): A person who is disobedient to unjust authority and stands up for fundamental principles, despite conventions and the opinions of others.
History: XX is my third PorcFest. My previous PorcFest talks included “Secession 101” in the Liberty 101 Classroom, a FireSteel Tent talk on Off-Grid Communications and a talk on handgun mechanics, and two talks in the NHExit hub on secession and the Constitution. I recorded a Rebel Civics interview episode at PorcFest last year and several YouTube shorts for Unsafe Space. I was a Porc Ranger volunteer in 2022 and am volunteering again this year. Spending a week with 3000 liberty-minded folks is a highlight of my year – so much so that my girlfriend Renate and I are driving up to NH from South Florida with the camper for the third year and counting!
Note: For Unsafe Space merch including “Irreconcilable Differences” teeshirts and hoodies with the porcupine and sheep breaking up see:
[Image] [Website]


AltExpo [Venue]
‘The roadmap to the Road Less Traveled’
Jack Shimek
Map: ‘AltX’
For Whom: Those who want to “Build a Better Community” by using only libertarian means – alternatives to mainstream systems.
Activities: Personal, community and technological practices to raise your Freedom Factor.
History: The original alternative venue at PorcFest and Liberty Forum, operating at every event since 2007.
Note: The Alternatives Exposition – expose yourself! to alernatives to the mainstream. Maybe you’ve thought the mainstream political system is hopeless and you’ve wondered what you can do instead… Come to the AltExpo!


Free State Barbell Club of the North [Venue]
‘Free State Barbell of the North’
Micah Deshaies
Map: ‘GYM’
For Whom: People who hate missing their workout sessions
Activities: Barebones strength training equipment. Come get a lifting session in with the Folks from Free State Barbell Club (Manchester). Selling Free State Barbell shirts and hats.
History: What has Porcfest been missing? A GYM! Free State Barbell Club (Manchester) is hosting a barebones gym at Porcfest this year.

FSBBC is a strength training gym on the West Side of Manchester that opened in 2020 in response to Corona-facism. FSBBC has the best equipment for strength trainees and hosts multiple powerlifting competitions each year.


The Political Parlor [Venue]
‘Free debate, rich company’
Matt Luby
Map: ‘POL’
For Whom: Those who love debate and reasoned argument
Activities: Sponsored by the Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 campaign, we will provide a place to discuss and debate politics and philosophy from the commanding heights all the way down to the grassroots, from lofty ideals to in-the-weeds tactics.
History: Vivek Ramaswamy is the first millennial to run for president 2024. From early days as a libertarian rapper in college, Vivek has drawn inspiration from libertarian thought. Vivek campaigns hard for free thought and open debate, and we’re proud to sponsor this hub to be a place for both.
[Image] [Website]


The Sticks Apothecary [Venue]
Kendall “King” Strahan (Lane Strahan)
Map: ‘DSTX’
For Whom: Those wanting to solidify their PF 20th year attendance in ceremony. Experiencing both sound with vibrations allowing you to deeply appreciate the art form of sacred tattoos intuitively picked for this special PF year.
Activities: Ceremonial Tats & Soundbowl Experience. We will have special smoke & tea blends available for purchase. Ceremonial shroom tea upon request served before or after your experience (different packages available)


Eliminate Income Tax Liability [Venue]
‘State vs federal Citizenship Your Choice’
Christopher Gronski (Destination Freedom)
Map: ‘DF’
For Whom: This Daily Talk is for those who wish to keep all the fruit of their Labor.
Activities: You can determine if you have a federal income tax liability. Are you a State or Federal citizen? Most people do not even know they have a choice. How much could you invest in Cryptocurrency if you did not have to pay an income tax to the pedophiles in the District of Columbia?

This Daily Talk at 11:00 am at RV Site 85 would only be interesting for those who desire to be free from a federal income tax liability and those who wish to learn how to secure their liberties by being outside the limits of federal jurisdiction.
History: This hub’s Speaker, Christopher Gronski has a great concern for the America, especially as he sees the federal governments disregard the Rights of the People here in New Hampshire, America and world-wide.

New Hampshire’s state motto “Live Free or Die”, declares his sentiment and his commitment to the Freedom movement here in New Hampshire and America.

Christopher Gronski – Freedom Biography

Living in New Hampshire since 1987, Christopher Gronski has been studying Federal jurisdiction and tax laws for over 20 years and has been a Freedom Consultant for many Freedom minded people from around the country and world.

Christopher was the New Hampshire State Coordinator for We The People ( for over 10 years and is New Hampshire’s current President of Freedom Force International. (www.freedom– He has been active in supporting the Free State Project since its inception and has been a guest speaker at FSP’s PorcFest and Liberty Forum.

Christopher was a Selectman (Town Council) for the Town of Hill, New Hampshire and he has worked with New Hampshire State Representatives over the years, to write and pass laws that restrict government and secure Rights. He successfully works with the U.S. State Department in acquiring United States Passports for State Citizens, without being U.S. (federal, 14th Amendment) citizens. Helping Americans world-wide, eliminate an income tax liability. His State Citizenship work has included securing Rights with the New Hampshire State Department, Department of Transportation and New Hampshire Superior Court.

Christopher teaches State Citizenship Classes Online at and helps people eliminate various forms of debt, including dealing with the IRS and setting up Foreign Trust Organizations.

Christopher is happily married and has two adult children.
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Bitcoin Hub [Venue]
‘Fix the Money, fix the world.’
Triple HODL
Map: ‘BTC’
For Whom: The Bitcoin Hub is Bitcoin enthusiasts, the Bitcoin-curious, or anyone who wants to talk about, learn about, or just hang out with people who appreciate Freedom Money and how it could be used for a positive future.
Activities: Meetups and discussions
History: Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that aims to eliminate the need for central authorities such as banks and governments. Bitcoin uses timechain (or blockchain) technology to support peer to peer transactions between users on a decentralized network.
Transactions are authenticated though Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which rewards miners for validating transactions.
Bitcoin was launched in January of 2009 by a developer or team of developers known as Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin has been a part of the Porcupine Freedom Festival for over 10 years with participants and vendors using the peer to peer network for open and free trade without asking for permission from any third party.


Wellness Central [Venue]
‘Living Your Best Life’
Gene Clerkin (Monadnock Natural Health)
Map: ‘Well’
For Whom: People who are struggling chronic health challenges like weight, energy, digestive, autoimmune, thyroid, etc… Or those who simply want to live their best, most vibrant, most abundant, and most purposeful life.
Activities: Inspirational presentation – “How to Live Your Best Life”. Live music – Singer/songwriter – medical freedom protest songs and more. Boys selling homemade seashell jewelry.
History: First time at PF – but a freedom loving patriot just the same! I’ll be sharing insights from my 30 years in practice – in chiropractic and functional nutrition and wellness. I have a great new presentation called, “Living Your Best Life”. I’ll be playing and singing original music about political protest, health, wellness, spiritual growth, relationship and life. My kids will be selling jewelry they made from collected sea shells.


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Queen Quill’s Court [Lounge]
‘Hang with Queen Quill’
Carla Gericke
Map: ‘QQC’
Green Cabin
For Whom: Press and Guest Speakers
Activities: Meeting space for press and guest speakers to orient themselves and meet FSP board members and organizers. This site is run by Carla Gericke.
History: Queen Quill has attended 17 of the 20 PorcFests. She’s got stories. Stop on by!


Brownstone Salon [Lounge]
‘Cocktails, conversing, forward thinking’
Robley Hall
Map: ‘BIS’
For Whom: People here are challenged by ideas and intelligent conversation.
Activities: Brownstone Institute. An intellectual salon for new ideas on freedom, civil liberties, health, economics, and civilization itself.
History: Brownstone loves Porcfest for being one of the few national events that never locked down!
[Image] [Website]


Seacoast Liberty Lounge / The SHELL [Lounge]
‘Sharing a love of liberty!’
Seamus Casey (Stephen Nass)
Map: ‘SLL’
Red Cabin
For Whom: Prospective movers & current residents of the Seacoast region of NH.
Activities: Seacoast Liberty Lounge will host several events throughout the week, TBD.
History: Starting in 2012, “Liberty Lounge” is Seamus’ lakeside party place. Seacoast Liberty Lounge at PorcFest was started in 2020 as a way to carry on the much-loved tradition of the VIP tent at PorcFest. Then starting in 2021, after the formation of The SHELL, SLL became the PorcFest home base for The SHELL. The SHELL, our awesome seacoast liberty clubhouse, was formed in the Fall of 2020, and acts as a real community home on the Seacoast for Free Staters (and like-minded locals) to enjoy one another’s camaraderie, and to share our love of liberty. We invite you to join us in building this active and inclusive community for all Seacoast liberty lovers.
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


North Country Porcupine Lounge [Lounge]
‘A place to meet and talk with NCP’s”
Chris Shepard (Jennifer Welborn )
Map: ‘NCP’
For Whom: People interested in life north of the Notches
Activities: General discussions, impromptu live music, food, kombucha, other beverages
History: We live here, we love it, we want to encourage you to join us.
[Telegram] [Website]


Larken’s Rock [Lounge]
‘Where statism goes to die.’
Larken Rose
Map: ‘LRok’
For Whom: Friend, enemy, stranger, anyone who wants to chat with me.
Activities: I will be casually chatting–and occasionally arguing–with whoever shows up, about all manner of topics, but mostly about the cult of statism.
History: It’s been many a year since I’ve been lurking at “my rock,” and it will be good to be back.


The Libertarian Institute [Lounge]
‘Whatever it is We’re Against It’
Keith Knight (Scott Horton, Connor Freeman, Kyle Anzalone)
Map: ‘TLI’
For Whom: Anyone interested in seeing through the propaganda of the corporate press
Activities: We’ll be selling books, and giving talks on all things libertarian.
History: After watching the state destroy the lives of countless people across the planet, we wanted to create a free educational archive and news outlet to give people access to libertarian ideas. It’s our first PorcFest as a group, we look forward to meeting everyone!
Note: Thank you guys for having us!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


I Swear By My Life [Lounge]
‘Hanging out with purpose’
Amy Badurina (Jefferson)
Map: ‘Galt’
For Whom: Anyone who likes talking politics, reading books, gaming, or cubing
Activities: Gaming, Rubik’s cube lessons, homemade cookies for sale, Jewish Porcupines meet ups, homeschooling talk, and Jefferson’s bar mitzvah
History: We had so much fun at our first Porcfest last year that Jefferson wanted to have his bar mitzvah at this year’s Porcfest! In order to make that happen, I had to rent a space and get a tent, so I figured we should make use of the tent all week and host the things we enjoy. Jefferson *really* loves talking about politics (and Ayn Rand books) and is hoping to meet other teens who share that passion. And since we’ve enjoyed gaming and talking about our favorite books with the porc buddies we met last year, we’re looking forward to doing a lot of that too – bring your favorite games and books! We’ve lived in the White Mountains of NH for almost 20 years, so I can share what it’s like raising a family and homeschooling up here too.
Note: Everyone is invited to Jefferson’s bar mitzvah on Saturday at 8:30am! :)


PorcuTeens [Lounge]
‘A place for teens to gather’
StephAnie Buzzell
Map: ‘Teen’
Blue Cabin
For Whom: Teens
Activities: Games, activities, just hanging out, campfires, job opportunities, and more.


Eclectic Activists [Lounge]
‘HomeEd, 2A, Alt$, OnePot, Wine, Games’
Chris Levell (Michelle Levell, Margaret Levell)
Map: ‘EA’
For Whom: Early movers, homeschoolers, foodies, gamers, winos
Activities: One Pot meal each day, tea time, wine time, game nights
History: Early movers and activists


Body Freedom Village [Lounge]
‘Freedom for Every Body’
Jeff Y. (Greg M., Drew M., Karen L.)
Map: ‘BFV’
For Whom: Join, help, or visit, and experience how liberating it is to express yourself! Open to friendly people regardless of gender, body type, sexual orientation, religion, etc. For safety, kids must be accompanied by their parent / guardian during the day, and are not welcome after dark.

More info on social nudism:
Activities: Hot tub, lounge, yoga, body painting, board games, discussions, and just chillin’ with music. But we need your participation to make it happen!

Small tent spots may be available for people who share a vision and want to help! Apply at
History: Individuals should be free to express themselves in public spaces in any way, as long as that expression is not a direct initiation of force. Individuals should never be compelled to express themselves in a way that some deem is a moral imperative, such as via mandates to salute a flag or wear clothing. This hub will provide a community where people can be themselves! This will be BFV’s third year!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


The Freedom Haven project [Lounge]
‘The next frontier for freedom lovers’
Tony Olsen
Map: ‘FH’
For Whom: People who love socioeconomic freedom and wish there was more of it in the world
Activities: All things having to do with the Freedom Haven project – a plan to have a floating port city outside the EEZ by 2037 with all of the socio-economic freedoms that we seek. Free pancakes will be served at certain times of day to encourage people to gather to learn about, discuss, and help the project.
History: In 2018, the project embarked on its 19-year plan to establish Freedom Haven: a politically independent floating port city on the ocean outside the jurisdiction of existing nations (according to the treaties those nations have signed) with the highest level of socio-economic freedom found on the planet. We’re currently in phase 2 (an exploratory campaign to prove its economic viability) out of a total of 4 phases. Phase 4 should be completed by 2034, and the city should be built and up and running by 2037.
Note: The ambitious 19-year-long Freedom Haven project’s goal is to bring the highest levels of freedom in the world to thousands of people who seek it. We are currently in Phase 2 of 4 total phases. Phase 2 is the exploratory campaign where we seek to prove that there’s enough support of the idea to move forward with the project. Our goal is to find 4,000 people who donate $5 towards the marketing of this project. If Phase 2 reaches our goal of $20K in the remaining 3 years, then we’ll proceed with Phase 3 which includes finding higher level investors and hiring Samsung Heavy Industries to make the professional designs, prototyping and testing.

Our goal at PorcFest is to share what the Freedom Haven project is and convince many that this project is worth their $5 donation.
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Free State Based Lounge [Lounge]
‘Follow me to be free!’
Nolan Pelletier (Patrick, Jess, Rosa)
Map: ‘FSBL’
For Whom: Unapologetic freedom enthusiasts and based libertarians!
Activities: Socializing, lounging, music, dancing, parties!
History: Growing a librarian homeland. This is the premier of the FSB hub at Porcfest. We welcome all liberty lovers who share our goal for creating a libertarian homeland here the free state.
[Image] [Website]


Somali Stash House presents: Vice City [Lounge]
‘Ten years of fruity pebble treats!’
Map: ‘420’
For Whom: Those looking for high quality smoke, mushrooms, moonshine, and munchies in a one stop shop. Portions of purchases will go to benefit #freeross and the FSP.
Activities: Vice City is a market of vendors including Somali Stash House, Old Growth Organic Mushrooms, Shine Shack, and a food vendor or two.
History: Our tenth Porcfest! This year we would like to give back by offering portions of proceeds to benefit #freeross and the FSP.


MakeGr8Pets [Lounge]
‘Fear Free Dog training ‘
Laura Moody
Map: ‘Dogs’
For Whom: Dog lovers, trainers and caregivers.
Activities: MakeGr8Pets takes a coercive free approach to dog training. Stop by for informal Q&A and dog training opportunities. Dogs welcome but not required.
Learn the fundamentals of training without coercion. Learn to speak dog by knowing simple body language that may indicate your dog is stressed. Tips for grooming and nail trims. Personalized coaching for problem behavior and concerns can be arranged.
Come by for a demonstration of iDogWatch (an internet of things remote training system.)
History: Returning this year to host a fun place for dog lovers to hang out.
Note: Stop by one of our dog training events: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9 am. Pickup a “Dogs of Porcfest” bandanna to keep your dog safe and visible.


Wicked Wonderland [Lounge]
‘Returning with our famous margaritas!’
Marisa (Win)
Map: ‘Wckd’
For Whom: Anyone looking for a yummy beverage and a cool place to hang.
Activities: We will be returning with our full bar and full service party favor tent!
Yummy margaritas and full bar. This year we will be featuring signature cocktails and a vip club! We will offer seating/lounge space.
History: Returning for our 5th year to provide safe party favors for those who desire.


Silk Spirits [Lounge]
Angela Desrochers (Joseph Weigel, Jaspar)
Map: ‘BAR’
For Whom:
Activities: We are a small lounge featuring cider and drinks!
History: Last year we had a small table selling soaps and homemade cider, and wanted to expand this year-by offering a small lounge area.


Introvert’s Corner [Lounge]
‘A quiet place for quiet porcupines.’
Karen Lean (Franklin Einspruch)
Map: ‘INV’
For Whom: This site is for introverts (whether you have a site at Rogers or not) who want a place to read, knit, meditate, or otherwise rest in a shady/dry area away from the wonder and noise that is Porcfest.
Activities: So many of us love the hustle and bustle, the parties, the amazing range of conversation and events and classes that can be had at Porcfest. Some of us also need a little quiet time. This lounge is a space for introverts (or other sensory sensitive people) of all ages to just hang out in a comfortable, quiet space. We will have pillows, blankets, seating (or you can bring your own).
+ Daylight hours only. Family-friendly activity only – please no drugs. This space will not always be supervised – children are welcome, at the level of supervision you are comfortable with, but we aren’t equipped to watch over them.
+ Please don’t steal the stuff in Introvert’s Corner. Please keep it clean — this isn’t a place to eat, but you can bring a water bottle with a lid.
+ A bit of quiet conversation is ok, but if you really get into a conversation with a fellow introvert, please go for a walk! The purpose of this lounge is to provide a sensory-friendly space to rest. While we can’t control the noise around us, we can have a little oasis if we cooperate to make it so.
History: Last year (XIX), Karen set up a tarp, some pillows, and a little sign, but no one came. Let’s see if this year, introverts can unite in our own (quieter) celebration of liberty. As someone who is sensory-sensitive, it’s nice to go have a place to rest away from noise, and she wants to offer this service to others. She also heard from some people that their spouse would come if there was a place to retreat to when they get overloaded. Some families may have autistic kids who would benefit from an additional, sensory-friendly space.
[Image] [Telegram]


The Shire Society Lounge [Lounge]
‘Come joine the shire society ‘
Matt (Free talk live, think penguin, cryptp6, copblock, free keene)
Map: ‘SSL’
For Whom: All
Activities: Civil disobedience, crypto, freedome
History: Just trying to add a spot to mingle and escape the rain when it comes
[Image] [Website]


Porcupine Automotive [Lounge]
‘Porcupines talking tech.’
Map: ‘Auto’
For Whom: Folks interested in cars and tech.
Activities: Talks about tech, and tech security


Playground [Lounge]
StephAnie Buzzell (Michelle Rountree)
Map: ‘play’
For Whom: Children and families


Gazebo [Lounge]
‘Out beyond the campsites’
Map: ‘Gaz’
For Whom: A tranquil place to escape the festival for a short while
Activities: On the west side of the hill (left facing the hill, across from RV280), anchoring one end of the Silk Road, is the Gazebo. It offers a view of the mountains, away from campsites, and traditionally has hosted Solstice and weddings.
History: It has been a place for meditation and for ceremony.


Enjoy Today! [Lounge]
‘Hang out, relax, and live for today!’
Carolyn Urbanski
Map: ‘ET’
For Whom:
Activities: Sorry, no BBQ this year at the old Kirby’s Q location. This year we’re a lounge venue with food, services, and products.
We all have issues from our past and current life. Let’s release them and have some fun. We’re offering massage, divining, games, handmade crafts, fabric painting, food, snacks, and beverages. And – maybe some stories from people have transcended their past as they enjoy today and prepare for the future.
Come join us – hang out, relax, and live for today!


AUTONOMY Avenue [Lounge]
‘GET AUTONOMY at RV33: talks, food, shade’
Stephanie Kosonen (Richard Grove, Lisa Arbercheski, Joshua Hale)
Map: ‘AVE’
For Whom: AUTONOMY AVE: Feed your mind AND the kids! Speeches, Cafe & Lounge all in one. See the Grand Theft World crew live and in person too.
Activities: Watch (or give!) a talk, interview, skillshare, presentation or performance at our AUTONOMY Speaker Pavilion; w/ warm meals, shade, kid games, drinks, smoothies, & adult beverages. Buy Grand Theft World or AUTONOMY gear; learn about & discuss freedom, autonomy, and entrepreneurship with AUTONOMY graduates.
History: Richard Grove and his wife Lisa Arbercheski have attended Porcfest ever since its 2nd year. After starting an online course and community, AUTONOMY, Richard’s grads now use AUTONOMY Avenue to display the entrepreneurship, active literacy, problem solving skills and culture of excellence they learn inside AUTONOMY.



Rooted Free [Lounge]
‘Because freedom begins within’
Lauren Noone
Map: ‘KIND’
For Whom: Porcupines with a growth mindset and a big heart
Activities: Catch Kindness campaign and raffle, moon circles, reiki, deep spiritual conversations around the fire, sage against the machine!
History: Lauren is the human behind Rooted Free, offering retreats, community circles, and self sufficiency classes on an historic farm in Henniker NH, to empower people to claim freedom from within! PF-goer since 2007. Joined by Kathie Vigneau Davis, Reiki Master and healer.
[Telegram] [Website]


Free Talk Live [Lounge]
‘Talk radio you control.’
Aria DiMezzo (Ian Freeman, Think Penguin, Copblock)
Map: ‘FTL’
For Whom: People who want to talk
Activities: Episode recording
History: Free Talk Live and has been a regular at Porcfest for years, and Aria DiMezzo is the trans libertarian who currently handles the show on-site–you may remember her from her 2020 sheriff candidacy, or her upcoming prison sentence set to begin right after Porcfest on June 27!


Psychonautica [Lounge]
‘The Mind Manifested’
Nate (Zoë)
Map: ‘PSY’
For Whom: Those who pursue altered states of mind to know thyself and for personal growth and development.
Activities: Psychonautica is a place to chill, relax and go deep into your mind and share your experiences with others. Come visit for informal, educational discussions surrounding altered states and the various methods to achieve them; techniques for getting the most out of these experiences, and the importance of integration and safe practices.
History: Unofficial first appearance at PF 2022 for those in the know. The idea for this hub sprang from noticing the lack of safe, quiet and chill spaces for adventurers of the mind.

Started by a romantic duo who first met at PF 2021, married that same year. We wanted a place to help share our experience, “FIND THE OTHERS”, in hopes that seekers will discover more about themselves in one of the most beautiful, magical places in New Hampshire.


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Independence Inn at Porcfest [Food]
‘As seen on TV! Food, Fancy Cocktails!’
Stephen Nass
Map: ‘II’
For Whom: People who appreciate fine food and drink, especially people interested in moving to New Hampshire and need somewhere awesome to stay.
Activities: We’ll be serving a variety of unique flavored sausages and meats along with fancy non-alcoholic cocktails & beverages.
History: You may have seen us on the documentary “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of New Hampshire!” We’re a cozy little in and restaurant located in Strafford, New Hampshire. We focus on building our community and serving locally sourced foods.
[Image] [Website]


Chapatis – Malaysian Indian Cuisine [Food]
‘Delicious Vegetarian/Vegan Food!’
Daniel Shortell (Rozita Shortell, Faizal Shortell)
Map: ‘CHAP’
For Whom: Anyone craving healthy, fresh vegetarian/vegan Malaysian Indian food!
Activities: Thank you Porcfest for a wonderful reception last year! We had such a warm welcome and excellent response from the community and are excited to fire up the burners again for 2023. . . . . . Much like last year we will have an assortment of Malaysian Indian curries, fresh chapatis (unleavened flat bread), chai, snacks and drinks. We are expanding the menu this year to include a couple new items! Many forms of payment accepted, Monero always preferred :)
. . . We will also be hosting several events at our location, look for event postings to come. Our focus this year will be homeschooling, conspiracies, gaming for the kiddos, and more!
. . . Final thoughts…our son’s business Zombie Defense will also be returning this year (6th grade homeschool project activate)! He is still in the planning phases but it will most likely come in the form of mobile cart roaming around the campgrounds selling treats, gadgets, and toy-esoterica to the youngest among us! Keep an eye out!
History: Our son, Faizal, created his first business, Zombie Defense, as part of his 4th grade homeschool project and showcased it at Porcfest 2021. He had a great time and inspired us, his parents Daniel and Rozy, to create their business, Chapatis, which launched at Porcfest 2022 serving Indian Malaysian food.
Why develop a food business??? Well, Rozy is from a family with multiple restaurants in several cities (Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Tapah) throughout Malaysia. She will be bringing her experience with Malaysian Indian food for everyone to experience. Hand made breads (chapatis), spicy curries and a house recipe chai that is ohhhhh so delicious.


Liber-tea Party [Food]
‘Give me Liber-tea, or give me decaf!’
Macy McNair (Peter Bannon)
Map: ‘TEA’
For Whom: Folks looking to caffeinate, or decaffeinate
Activities: Porcfest’s only glowing coffee and tea bar is coming back for a third year! Liber-tea Party is happy to return with 24/7 self-serve hot coffee, cocoa and tea. Our chilled beverage line up will again feature cold brew, iced teas, daily special teas, lemonade, and the COLD BREW FLOAT. We will be partnering with Porcupine Coffee Roasting for another Porcfest exclusive blend too!
. . . In addition to beverages, we will offer a selection of gluten free and gluten full baked goods to satisfy your sweet tooth.
. . . Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for information on how to join the Liber-tea Party Mug Club this year, you won’t want to miss this mug!
History: This will be my 7th Porcfest – I always look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones while serving coffee and tea :)
Note: Super excited for Porcfest XX!
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Pho Keene Great [Food]
‘A place for Pho Keene Great Food’
Map: ‘PhoQ’
For Whom: For foodies, gourmands and health conscious bon vivant
Activities: Will be selling Pho Keene Great Tees and Porcfest Tees also
History: Pho Keene Great resurgence of oriental savoir fare from French-Indochine (French-Vietnamese)
Note: Pho Keene Great Freedom Festival XX!
[Telegram] [Website]


Fluffy Porcupine Coffee [Food]
‘Fueling freedom, one cup at a time!’
Edi Swearingen (Erin Freeman, Adam Freeman)
Map: ‘FPC’
For Whom: For those who love excellent coffee and other thirsty liberty-lovers!
Activities: Service with a smile — cold brew, hot coffee and tea, chai, matcha, shaken iced teas, Italian sodas and daily specials, with (or without) “fluff”!
History: The Swearingens have represented at every PorcFest to date. Looking forward to another great year!
[Telegram] [Website]


Mama Marias Gyros [Food]
‘Best Greek Food with a chat! ‘
Map: ‘GYRO’
For Whom: Food lovers
Activities: Food, Tshirts, Hoodies, Birth Circle Talk, Game Night, $5 Ouzo shots
History: I left NYC 8 years ago. This is my 6th Porcfest. I love making Greek Food and want to someday have my own GYRO Food truck. I started off with Souvlakia and Someone mentioned Gyros. I also offer Spanakopita made from scratch.


AUTONOMY Cafe [Food]
‘Savor freedom at AUTONOMY Cafe’
Joshua Hale (Richard Grove, Joshua)
Map: ‘AC’
For Whom: Hungry
Activities: Awesome People, Healthy Food
History: 4th Year At Porcfest
[Image] [Website]


The Blueberry [Food]
‘Vegan Food Events – Chiro Services ‘
Tarrin Lupo (Loralei)
Map: ‘Blue’
For Whom: People interested in eating plant food or needing Chirocare
Activities: We host some free food events and also do Chiropractic and sometimes Crystal Bingo
History: We are OG porcs who actually stay at Rogers


Little Zoe’s / Fire Box Pizza [Food]
Map: ‘LZP’
For Whom: For those who love enjoying good food, and engaging conversations, with new/old friends in a beautiful setting!
Activities: Delicious brick oven pizza, salads and a wide variety of beverages.


Health Freedom Café [Food]
‘Oasis of fresh delicious organic plant.’
Ferngold McLeod (Thomas McLeod, Larisa Trexler)
Map: ‘SMOO’
For Whom: Health seekers, plant lovers, holistic-minded, all ages.
Activities: Smoothies. Salads. Herbal tea. The most amazing local chocolate.
Discussions/presentations on Health Freedom – its history and the path forward.
Health Freedom New Hampshire (HFNH) is likely to share our hub, as well. Swag, educational materials, and connection!
History: In 2021 we offered spring rolls. Many were grateful for the fresh healthy organic food, and we were grateful to be of service!
In 2022, we were unable to bring a whole kitchen setup, but instead we hosted a much-expanded version of the Health Freedom New Hampshire (HFNH) booth, and again, it was wonderful to meet people and to be of service.


Tacos El Norteño [Food]
‘Tacos Chingones’
Eddie Garcia (Melinda Mason)
Map: ‘TACO’
For Whom: For people who know real street tacos when they find them
Activities: Tacos and cold drinks


Porcupine Outdoor Recreation Club (PORC) [Food]
‘Breakfast, Lunch and Goldbacks for sale ‘
Adam Van, 603-264-2300, Telegram: @GoOutsideNH (Porcupine Coffee Roasters )
Map: ‘PORC’
For Whom: Parents,
Activities: Dear parents, we know how important it is for you to find the perfect spot where you can unwind, socialize, and indulge in some quality “me-time” while your little ones are happily playing in the park. Look no further, as we’ve created the ultimate hub for you – the Porcupine Outdoor Recreation Club!
. . . Here’s what we have in store for you:
. . . Exquisite Food & Beverage: Our top-notch chefs and mixologists will tantalize your taste buds with a delightful array of mouth-watering dishes and refreshing beverages. No matter your preferences, we have something for everyone.
. . . Relaxing Lounge & Refreshments: Unwind in our cozy lounge area, bring you chair and sit in the shade in a laid-back ambiance. Enjoy a variety of refreshments, as you chat with fellow parents or simply take a well-deserved break.
. . . Goldbacks & Swag: Buy Goldbacks or buy club swag. You can even buy club swag with Goldbacks 🎉🎊🎉
Socializing Opportunities: Forge new friendships and connections in our friendly community of like-minded parents. Our club is a fantastic place to meet new people, share experiences, and build lasting bonds.
. . . Exciting Games & Activities: With an array of engaging games and activities to choose from, you’re sure to have a blast at our club. Challenge your friends to a friendly match or participate in our organized tournaments for some friendly competition.
. . . Event Planning & Organization: Looking to plan your next event or get-together? Our dedicated team is here to help! Hockey Games, Baseball games, camping, fishing. We buy group tickets and either get special treatment or special pricing. Let’s plan an event together!
. . . Liberty & Freedom Outdoors: The Porcupine Outdoor Recreation Club is more than just a place to relax and socialize. We are a community that values and promotes the principles of liberty and freedom by going outside and playing
. . . Join the Porcupine Outdoor Recreation Club at Tent Site 7, and experience a perfect blend of relaxation, fun, and socialization – all while your kids enjoy their time at the park
History: Visit we practice Liberty and Freedom by going outdoors and playing. Liberty is Always freedom from government and Freedom is always liberty from individuals.
Note: Check out our videos
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Garden of Freedom [Food]
‘Pies, cookies and jams’
Teala Sjolander (Michael Costable, Curt Sjolander)
Map: ‘PIES’
For Whom: Lovers of pie!
Activities: Pie slices, GF pie, cookies, coffee, jams and pickles
History: Last year we came back to selling pies after many years off. We sold lots of pie and had a ton of fun doing it!


187 grilled cheese [Food]
‘Porcupines eat grilled cheese ‘
Peter King (Jennie king )
Map: ‘Pete’
For Whom:
Activities: Eat
History: To make sure someone has something cheap to eat so they do not go hungry


Humble foods [Food]
‘Healthy snacks served by humble humans’
Map: ‘Wckd’
For Whom: Anyone who enjoys good eats
Activities: We will be offering several healthy food options such as fresh fruit/produce. Hummus/veg plates, charcuterie boards to go, yogurts, quick grab and go snacks, as well as a daily menu for hot paninis and soups!
Other items and menu will be posted closer to fest and we will have a billboard updated daily!
Come find us at the bottom of the hill in agora Valley close to the pavilion!


Lucy’s Homemade Goods [Food]
‘Good Homemade Food’
Lucy Belanger (Emma Dunlap, Cierra Belanger)
Map: ‘Lucy’
For Whom:
Activities: Food, jewelry, shirts, vinyl designs, and more
History: Had a good turn out last year being a seasonal camper we participated in breakfast and all home cooked meals and other products. We sold out daily on our menus for food.


Atlas Kitchen [Food]
‘Porcs eating pork with porcs’
Omer (Gil, Stan)
Map: ‘F00D’
For Whom: Foodies, vegans, potheads, The Hungry
Activities: Selling fresh brisket smash burgers, homemade BBQ ribs, homemade vegan falafel, and loaded fries
History: We moved from Israel to make liberty in our lifetime a reality, this is our 2nd and 3rd time at PF. We want to provide food for those who live free or die, and make Porcfest the best liberty gathering in the world.
Affordable and delicious food for every hungry porc!
Note: Come and have a free falafel ball and 1$ ice cream sandwiches! #PFXX_Food


It’s Time for the Perculator [Food]
‘Bulletproof Coffee to start your day!’
Thomas Kreeger
Map: ‘Perc’
For Whom: Keto, Carnivore enthusiasts. People who like to talk to a Rave/Techno/Breakbeat DJ
Activities: Bulletproof Coffee in the early morning, and late night campfire beats.
History: Last year was my first time attending. I sold bulletproof coffee because no one else did, and everyone said f you’re making it for yourself, bring extra and be a vendor. I had so much fun, and felt so good about providing an honest product, that I’m doing it again, and this time on the Silk Road! Fuel up for the walk into Agora Valley and stay full and energized all morning!


The Chill Quill [Food]
‘Energize with a sip from the Chill Quill’
Lexie O’Brien (Katie O’Brien)
Map: ‘CLQL’
For Whom: Caffeine enthusiasts
Activities: Ice cold flavored energy drinks
History: Our 3rd Porcfest 1st as a vendor!


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The SHOP [Products]
‘‘Fire when you need a fire. Every time.’’
Ilma (Ron)
Map: ‘SHOP’
For Whom: All of you who are staying in an RV or tent site will have the opportunity to use the fire-ring at your site to start a cozy fire. “But I forgot my matches, and I don’t have a lighter!” Never fear, dear friends. It gets cold in the mountains at night, and we’re here to make sure you know how to start a fire using our world-class firesteel. Come to one of our many demos held throughout the day and soon you’ll be starting a fire like a pro! 🔥
Activities: Don’t know how to use a firesteel? No problem! Stop by one of the many “Fire-starting 101” demos at the SHOP* and we’ll teach you how. Impress your friends! Impress yourself! With a firesteel you’ll never be cold again. We’ll be bringing a sampling of some of our best-selling firesteel to sell, and we’re also planning a raffle or two. There’s something for every fire-starting skill level at the SHOP. 🔥
. . . Proceeds from the sale of merchandise support our sister site, the Event Canopy, which hosts more than 80 events, lectures, demos, meetups and even a rave each year, free of charge to speakers and attendees. 🔥
. . . *Stop by the SHOP for that day’s schedule of demos and events. We’re playing it by ear, folks, so we can also enjoy all the bounty that is PF. So if you don’t see us around for a while (highly unlikely), you can also post a message on our dedicated Telegram chat and we’ll be sure to respond. Thanks for your business and see you there! 🔥
History: This will be our second year running fire-starting demos and selling gear at the SHOP. Stop by for a demo and try your hand at starting a fire with one of our world-class firesteel. 🔥
Note: Thanks for your business and see you soon! 🔥
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


Tiny Homes [Products]
‘Based Home’
Jack Garber (Marco Capaldi)
Map: ‘TINY’
For Whom: Anyone who wants an economical, space saving housing alternative that fits anywhere.
Activities: Tiny Home, Granny Pod, or ADU
History: A housing shortage solution.


Alu’s Amazing Books & The Liberty Block! [Products]
‘AnCap books, Gold, Silver, Talks & More!’
Alu Axelman
Map: ‘Alu’
For Whom: Anyone who likes reading educational/unique liberty books, those who like hearing Alu speak, those who want to trade gold, silver, crypto, etc.
Activities: Alu is selling personalized signed copies of his 9 books, books by Ian Underwood and others, selling some TLB swag, and giving some talks!
History: I was at RV1 last year, too. Sold lots of books and gave a great talk on gun control!
[Image] [Website]


Wicked Craft Creations [Products]
‘Cool handmade crafts and trinkets’
Map: ‘Wckd’
For Whom: Anyone who appreciates the craft
Activities: Tent will be filled with locally made crafts and other cool things. From crochet to wood burned signs. Liberty wears and more. Stop by and check it out.


Unwoke Art [Products]
‘Unique Porcfest Merch’
Karlyn Borysenko
Map: ‘Art’
For Whom: Anyone who wants a unique souvenir from Porcfest XX
Activities: Unique Porcfest merch featuring everything from porcupines with guns to psychedelic porcupines, all with the Porcfest XX logo. There will be other unwoke merch as well offering subversive cultural commentary.
History: This will be my third Porcfest and I wanted to create a unique, creative offering using art to make a cultural statement.


Bare Arms [Products]
‘Porcs printing guns & gun accessories’
Steve Bozich
Map: ‘3D2A’
For Whom: Nerds, Incels, Autists, Felons, Tards
Activities: Printing guns
History: I literally make gun control impossible
Note: fuck the feds


PorcuPins [Products]
‘Express yourself with a pin!’
Jess Pelletier (Kayla)
Map: ‘Pins’
For Whom: Kids, teens and adults!
Activities: We will be selling official Porcfest XX pins, anarchy pins, NH pins, custom pins, and design your own pins! Come by our site, RV 64, and the FSB hub, or look for Kayla (she’ll be wearing a bunch of pins) throughout the campground all week.
History: This is the our 3rd year attending Porcfest but it’s our first time selling pins.
Note: Bring a photo to be made into a pin. Pin size will be 2.25″


Tiny Homes, Granny Podds, & ADU site [Products]
‘Tiny Home Lifestyle Expert Advice’
Marco Capaldi (Tomek Sadowski)
Map: ‘TnyH’
For Whom: Homesteaders, Retirees, Broke Grads
Activities: Workshops.. Granny Podd ..Homestead advice
History: My Health insurance business and contact with medical freedom practitioners forced a move and an uproot for many of my colleagues. With housing costs and faced with setting up new practices I was able to help many folks uproot and set up new offices by lessening the burden of housing costs. I then turned to my retired clients and began to offer a one level energy efficient alternative. We also got their leveraged by student debt kids that needed affordable housing alternatives also. To date we have sold 30 plus in three countries. We sell them installed without molesting the site or environment and they sit on telescoping piers. Our designs are trademarked and use Polish stainless steel frames guranteed 100 years. Out modern award winning designs are energy efficient and they can have solar, wind, batteries and come with radiant tile heat and come furnished for less than $300 a square foot.
Note: We want to have a speaking event and have much value to share.


Beaded Creations by Vanessa [Products]
‘unique handmade gifts from the heart. ‘
Vanessa Rheaume
Map: ‘BEAD’
For Whom: for those who enjoy beauty and jems.
Activities: Decorative hangers for plants, candles, or bottles. suncatcher mobile to hang inside your window to cast rainbows around your room. Beaded Jewlery, earrings and beaded joint holder clips. Also some photography.
History: I enjoy creating and sharing. Add some pretty sparkle to your home deco. This is my third PF.


Wild Child Way [Products]
‘A space for art and herbs!’
Corinn Algier
Map: ‘DWC’
For Whom: Anyone and everyone who loves art, science, herbal delights and the natural world.
Activities: My potions range from natural topical care, seasonal items such as bug spray, after bite, sunscreen, sunburn care, CBD, CBG and THC based topicals and consumables, herbal teas, syrups, extracts/tinctures, topical magnesium, baby care, facial care, aromatherapy, and much more.

My daughter will have her Unicorn Magic business set up as well. She makes all kinds of creations at kid friendly price points.

I’ll continue offering the popular herbal syrup HAPPY HOUR at least once during PF.
History: Spending most of my adult life in Pharma, but with a holistic healing heart, I made the switch into herbalism when my daughter was born. Pouring everything I love about science, art and healing into The Domesticated Wild Child, it is now my full time mission to share effective herbal remedies and plant medicine with the community.
[Telegram] [Website]


Custom Printed T-shirts [Products]
‘Time to Create the Perfect Tee’
Trista Roberts
Map: ‘Wckd’
For Whom: Do you like to let your clothes do the talking? Can’t find a shirt that says what you want? Looking for a special gift? I’ll be printing custom shirts all week.
Activities: Tshirts, hoodies, and onsies of all sizes will be available with options for holographic, glitter, and glow in the dark images.
History: Last year was my first year at Porcfest and in order to afford the trip, I made shirts with a cricut vinyl cutter. It was so much fun I decided to upgrade and will be doing sublimation prints for greater variety.


Handmade Crafts [Products]
‘Handmade in ME and NH’
Debby Belle (Candice)
Map: ‘MENH’
For Whom: People interested in handcrafted goods and supporting local vendors.
Activities: Local handmade knitted goods and crafts
History: We are a mother&daughter team passionate about producing handmade knitted goods and crafts here in ME and NH. After attending several PFs we are excited to be first time venders. We look forward to bringing our crafts to the people of Porcfest
Note: We accept cash, Venmo, and gold back currencies


Liberty Loft LaserLL [Products]
‘Freedom themed art, earrings & lights. ‘
Bill Domenico
Map: ‘LLL’
For Whom: Liberty lovers looking for unusual & motivational items. All crafted in NH. Our 15th Porcfest.
Activities: Be sure to visit our wide selection of wood crafted items. From delicate mandala earrings to lovely tea lights. Many plaques with memorable quotes from Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand and others. Taxation is theft.
History: I constructed my first laser system in 2008 and have been using lasers to support the Liberty community ever since. First with “laser graffiti” then adding laser craft items in 2015. Hundreds of designs have been produced. If you prefer “Dangerous Freedom” then this is the place for you. Take home a Porcfest XX commemorative item you will enjoy for years.


Maeberry Naturals [Products]
Map: ‘MBRY’
For Whom: Anyone and everyone who loves learning and nature.
Activities: Maeberry Naturals potions range from natural topical skin care, seasonal items such as bug spray, lip balm, tinctures, syrups, bath salts and more. I will also have sunscreen, pain relief options, and will be educating on essential oil usage. . .One of my daughters will a variety of things for sale including fire starters.
History: After being diagnosed with MCAS (basically an allergy to life) I began researching and making products for my family that were safe for me and that were effective. As word got out people wanted to try the products and they raved. This is my third year at Porcfest and last year when I needed last minute things I realized there were zero safe options. So this year I decided to change that.
My daughter is also very entrepreneurial minded and wants to sell some products as well. She will have at minimum fire starters but also probably also baked goods.


Kota Knives [Products]
‘NH local handcrafted knives’
Dakota Slack
Map: ‘Kota’
For Whom:
Activities: Handcrafted culinary, hunting, utility, and all other knives, as well as swords and daggers. Some pieces ready to go, custom orders accepted.


Zombie Defense – Blowguns and More! [Products]
‘A safe space for kids who like weapons.’
Faizal Shortell (Daniel and Rozita Shortell)
Map: ‘CHAP’
For Whom: Kids (and adults!) who like Nerf guns, catapults, slingshots, BB guns. Target practice solo or round up a group of friends for a good ‘ol fashion battle.
Activities: Zombie Defense is a great place to stop by to pick up a blowgun, a cool knife, perhaps a slingshot or maybe even a flashlight or walkie talkie. If you are not into the tools of the zombie-fighting craft, then perhaps you will find a toy or your favorite candy here. Either way, stop by and say hello. Bonus points if you stop in with your Pokemon and declare a challenge!
History: At the ripe old age of 11, this is now my 3rd Porcfest selling products that I make. I’ve expanded my offerings this year to include some fun items that I didn’t actually make myself. My Porcfest business is a component of my homeschooling experience. I’m in sixth grade now and have spent the last few months studying products on Ali Baba and negotiating a bulk purchase from a vendor in Shenzhen.
[Telegram] [Website]


Jones Plantation [Products]
‘We All Live on Jones Plantation’
Andrew Treglia (Larken Rose)
Map: ‘JP’
For Whom: Film Enthusiasts
Activities: Jones’ shirts, posters, bumper stickers, etc – and we’re considering selling something fun like sno-cones.
[Telegram] [Website]


Taggart Trading Precious Metals [Products]
‘Trade gold and silver’
Marc Tancer
Map: ‘TTPM’
For Whom: who ever has metals and needs cash and whoever has currency and wants to purchase highly liquid physical assets to outside of the financial system
Activities: trading gold and silver all week, also have a couple of discussions on precious metals
History: PF Vendor since 2017. Lots of PF attendees want to dip their toes into metals but don’t know how to get started and are rightfully afraid of getting the wrong product, getting fakes, or paying too much. I can help you avoid those pitfalls
[Image] [Website]


ATF Convenience Store [Products]
‘Turn the ATF into a convenience store.’
Map: ‘ATF’
For Whom: Anyone who wants to drink, smoke, or stock up on ammo. Additionally, this is an educational stand on the horrors of the ATF (gov agency) and how we can peacefully combat their destructive behavior.
Activities: The ATF Convenience store is your one stop shop for alcohol, tobacco, and ammunition. This year, we will have a wider variety of ammunition types, tobacco products, and even mixed drinks styled after the ATF.
We will also continue our mission of being an educational hub where attendees can learn about the horrors of the ATF agency and peaceful ways to counter their tyranny.
Hope to see you there!
History: Last year, the ATF stand was a huge success. The goal was to provide attendees with a service while also demonstrating a more peaceful world in which the ATF agency is replaced with a convenience store. Now, the ATF stand is back with a wider variety of goods than before!


Liberty House [Products]
‘CT Based PMA’
Erin Florell (Anna Decker, Melissa Tomolonius)
Map: ‘LH’
For Whom: Live Entertainment and Handmade Items
Activities: Live Entertainment
Open Mic
American Spirit Cigarettes
Glow sticks
Leather Jewelry
Faraday bags
Sewn items
Apple Pie Moonshine
Spicy Homemade Pickles
Sauna and Cold Dunk
History: Liberty House is a Private Membership Association, a community of people and families coming together to support one another, gather freely, and collaborate to create a thriving member community. Liberty House is a spiritual freedom ministry reliant on our faith in nature and nature’s god. We believe in certain unalienable rights, that among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Libertarian Shirts [Products]
‘Libertarian Clothing’
Nick Brower (Sherise Brower)
Map: ‘TEES’
For Whom: People who appreciate free markets, sound money, Austrian economics, the non-aggression principle, property rights, and personal responsibility.
Activities: Products such as tee-shirts, hats, jackets, hoodies, with libertarian themed designs.
History: We sell clothing to people who believe they can govern themselves better than any government ever has. Our designs help spread the message that personal responsibility, property rights, and civil liberties are a valuable part of maintaining a peaceful and free society. We believe that expressing the right message is a powerful gesture in defense against the overreach of the state.
Note: We may also be selling all organic, and beautiful, freshly made sourdough bread.
[Image] [Website]


The Drippy Hippie [Products]
‘Abstract/ drip art show and novelty’s ‘
Sophia Sarte
Map: ‘DH’
For Whom: Creative minds, artists, visionaries, and people who enjoy colorful visuals!
Activities: Unique drip art and abstract paintings for enjoying and selling. Even if you don’t want to buy, come and look around! No two are alike!
History: 75% of my proceeds are going towards the care of my grandma, battling her progressing dementia. She was always the color in my life and now I want to share that inspiration with others.
Note: Small novelty items also available such as cute stickers, candles, and jewelry.


Hollie Woods Photography [Products]
‘photos of life in the North Maine Woods’
Christina Apgar (Annette Wyman aka Hollie Woods)
Map: ‘HW’
For Whom: People who appreciate serenity and nature
History: Living off grid in unorganized territory in Maine. There’s so much to document in photographs that the rest of the world is missing out on.


The Granite Republic [Products]
‘Live it. Wear it. ‘
Mari Fontaine (Patrick Binder)
Map: ‘1772’
For Whom: Liberty loving people that want NH gear.
Activities: Vending t-shirts, hoodies, patches, hats, and more
History: In the town of Weare, NH in 1772, the first act of violent rebellion against the crown occurred. In a very real sense, this was the start of The Granite Republic.
Our clothing line celebrates this rich history of liberty in New Hampshire. We create apparel that highlights the fight for freedom past and present. Our Vanguard Flag illustrates the virtues one must hold to advance liberty.
The Vanguard Flag:
Red – Conviction, sacrifice, and innovation.
Gold – Freedom of association and exchange; sound money.
Blue – Cooperation and natural resources.
The lone pine – The individual, peace, and revolution.
Note: We have more styles, sizes, and color options on our online store. If you don’t see what you want in person, consider ordering from us online.


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PorcFest Registration [Service]
‘Be Welcome’
Michele Arko (David Wilson)
Map: ‘REG’
For Whom: Get you wristbands here.
Activities: Registration for attendees.
History: This is my 3rd PorcFest and 3rd time volunteering for this event. Always happy to try and make this event a success for each individual. Please see me if you would like to volunteer helping in this space. ;)


PorcInfo [Service]
‘All Your Porcfest Info Needs’
Shanna Garry
Map: ‘INFO’
For Whom: All attendees looking for info and cool stuff
Activities: Find us next to Registration! Get all your info needs, talk to an Info Ambassador, check out the cool things
History: I had such a good time working the PorcInfo table last year, I volunteered to run it this year! Come check us out and say hi!


Fr33 Aid [Service]
‘Keeping you healthy to be free! ‘
Lazer Axelman (Elliot “Alu” Axelman )
Map: ‘FA’
For Whom: Anyone having a bad day!
Activities: Medical aid, water bottles, and awful jokes.
History: I mean, we’re the medical folks…we love you, but we don’t want you needing us, because we want you too busy enjoying yours and not requiring our help…


Anie’s Hive [Service]
‘Raising the road to a peaceful future’
StephAnie Buzzell
Map: ‘Hive’
For Whom: Parents and caregivers who are paving the roads to peace through respectful/peaceful parenting and education choice OR anyone who wants to learn more about raising free thinking, compassionate humans. Parents, caregivers, parents-to-be, teachers, or anyone influencing the next generation of libertarians welcome!
Activities: Respect based/peaceful parenting consultations, parenting workshops, respectful parenting resources, and homeschool enrichment opportunities
History: At Anie’s Hive it takes a village! Anie’s Hive strives to create a space where children are free to grow and learn through natural curiosity in a respectful, loving environment and parents feel connected, equipped, and empowered wherever they are on their parenting journey. Originally in MA, Anie’s Hive reopened in Peterborough, NH when our family made the move in 2021! We are happy to offer homeschool enrichment opportunities, parenting resources, workshops and consultations to journey with other families focused on raising a future generation of independent, free-thinking, compassionate humans.
[Telegram] [Website]


Real Estate 603 [Service]
‘Home Buyers, Sellers, and Homesteaders’
Franz Honer (Diane Kelley)
Map: ‘REAL’
For Whom: Home buyers, curious movers, RVers, alternative living fanatics
Activities: Diane Kelley –
By way of California, the Live Free or Die state is Diane’s dream come true, from her historic 1798 home to her role as serving as a New Hampshire State Representative. She finds passion in helping people make the move and the joy they experience when they start each day in a home of their own. As an investment property owner, she especially enjoys sharing her experience to help her clients move towards their financial goals.
Franz Honer –
With over twenty years experience in the real estate industry, as well as a strong background in marketing and software engineering, Franz’s passion is helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals. Franz moved to New Hampshire from Maine in 2008 and enjoys sharing his knowledge of the Live Free or Die state.
History: We’re FSP movers and Porcfest aficionados who love to talk to anyone and share tall tales!


PorcShowers [Service]
‘The best showers at Porc Fest’
Edward Dehm (David Garlock)
Map: ‘Shwr’
For Whom: Anyone interested in hot clean showers
Activities: Porc Showers offers hot, clean, spacious daily showers for the most refreshing experience at Porc Fest.
History: Roger’s is a great location, but Proc Fest has grown beyond the capacity of the campground’s water facilities. We wanted to improve Porc Fest, by bringing our own facilities that offer offering spacious, clean, refreshing, and hot showers.
. . . This is our third year bringing hot showers to PorcFest and we’re excited to improve our offerings and lower our prices this year.
Note: N/A
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


The Fox Den [Service]
‘A soft place to crash’
Zoë (Nate)
Map: ‘FOX’
For Whom: – Attendees coming from afar who want the full, on-site Porcfest experience, but aren’t able to travel with camping gear.
– Day trippers having such a good time they wish they could stay an extra night or two or three…
Activities: – 2 or 4 person tent complete with air mattress, sleeping bag, and camping pillow—available by the night or whole week.
– Access to Starlink
– Charging station for your electronic devices
– Snacks and convenience items available for purchase
– Extra blankets available upon request for those cold Porcfest nights
History: Porcfest 2021 was the first sold out PF and lots of people were scrambling last minute for places to stay. I had an RV spot to myself and tons of extra camping gear, so I figured why not fill a need in the market and make PF accessible to some attendees who would not have been able to come otherwise.


Assassin Game [Service]
‘Assassin Game sign-up.’
Jon Pawelko
Map: ‘ASSN’
For Whom: Porcfest attendees looking for a fun, competitive way to meet and interact with other Porcupines. Win $5 per assassination!
Activities: Sign up for the Assassin game, pay your entry fee, pick a water gun, or get paid your winnings from Jon, the game’s administrator.
History: Assassin is a campground wide game that has run at Porcfest for over 10 years.
Note: More information closer to the event including the sign-up website.
[Telegram] [Website]


Sarah’s Homeopathy Hub [Service]
‘Ask the Anarcho-Homeopath!’
Sarah Thompson
Map: ‘SHUB’
For Whom: Anyone who wants better health or natural solutions for acute ailments!
Activities: Homeopath with professional practice offering on the spot support for acute ailments (illness and injury) and consultations on longer-term, chronic issues. It’s free to come ask questions and learn more!
History: Growing up in Concord, NH, with libertarian values, I didn’t know any other libertarians (except for my parents). Becoming a homeopath after healing from leukemia, I found that, while the philosophy behind the work itself was consistent with my freedom-focused values, the culture around natural medicine was mired in mushy statism and warmed-over socialism. Meanwhile, the libertarian world was hostile to non-allopathic approaches. Where-ever I went, I felt like some aspect of my worldview was treated as mental illness! Over the past several years, I have endeavored to bring these two passions of mine together to demonstrate that principle-driven and freedom-oriented healing is effective and life-changing. Anarchists, voluntaryists, libertarians; I am here to offer individualized care AND not treat you like you are crazy!
[Image] [Website]


Porcupuncture [Service]
‘Acupuncture for Porcupines’
Carla San Diego, L.Ac.
Map: ‘ACU’
For Whom: Anyone curious
Activities: Come by to ask questions, share & learn more about Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. Experience this ancient holistic approach to health & wellness that continues to become more relevant to our modern healthcare system.
Open Thursday & Friday after Yoga by Spiritual Village. Acupuncture sessions both days 12:30-5:30pm. Appointments & drop-ins welcome. Herbal consultations & supplements also available for purchase. Discounted Porcfest Rates:
$60 – Acupuncture treatment for any issue (60 mins)
$40 – Orthopedic Acupuncture – trigger-point therapy to target chronic & acute pain (40 mins)
$20 – Mini session w/ auricular (ear) acupuncture (20 mins)
msg: (603) 684-2413
History: I started my career path with 15 years in the NYC fashion industry until the stress led to health issues that drove me to seek help beyond conventional medicine. That’s when I discovered Acupuncture and began to appreciate Chinese Medicine’s holistic view of health and healing. Four years of graduate school later, I earned a Master of Science to become licensed, board-certified and practicing acupuncture and herbal medicine for the past decade. My approach combines Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern orthopedics and clinical nutrition to balance the body’s energy, anatomy and chemistry as one. This is my first year in NH and at Porcfest so I’m excited to share my practice with other Porcs, learn new stuff and hopefully help a few people feel better.
Note: Sessions are in a clean, semi private tent surrounded by the fresh air of freedom.


Silk Road [Service]
‘A Short Cut Across the Hill’
Map: ‘Silk’
For Whom: Attendees who want to get from one hub to another, across campsite islands, without trespassing on campers’ sites.
Activities: Stretching across the hill, the Silk Road allows attendees to cut across the hill without trespassing. Campers in these sites set aside a 4′ walkway that attendees may use as a short-cut to other islands. Campers usually enhance the Silk Road by vending or lights or other enticements.
The Silk Road honors Ross Ulrich political prisoner of DC.
RV sites: 21; 35; 49; 62; 77; 98; 120; 142; 165; 185; 205; 230; 281.
History: The Silk Road, conceived and implemented by Dennis in 2021, permitted attendees to cut across specific campsites with pre-approved permission to more easily access the newly created hub network spread across the campground. PorcFest has annually honored Ross Ulrich the founder of the Silk Road, who languishes as a political prisoner for daring to start the first truly free market outside government control and government fiat.
Note: Also visit Wiki-Leak (“LEAK”), our tribute to Wikileaks political prisoner Julian Assange
[Image] [Website]


Wiki-Leak [Service]
‘Take a Wiki-Leak’
Map: ‘Leak’
For Whom: Offering basic reality
Activities: The main bathroom, across from T16, has been named “Wiki-Leak” to remind us that Julian Assange remains a political prisoner for exposing the murderous corruption of our rulers.
History: Wikileaks published news leaks and classified media provided by anonymous sources about government perfidies. Governments trumped up charges, and used its owned/controlled media to attack it. Julian Assange has been cornered, arrested, tortured, and his mind ruined for the sin of exposing truth about our masters.
Note: Also travel along the Silk Road in honor of Ross Ulrich
[Image] [Website]


Freedom Financial [Service]
‘Keep more of your hard-earned money’
Joshua Fallenstein (Abigail Fallenstein )
Map: ‘$$$$’
For Whom: Tax payers, entrepreneurs, pre-retirees, retirees, parents
Activities: Discussion and information about all things financial, paying taxes, tax planning, and insurance services. We sometimes have free food too.


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The Studio [Misc]
‘Content is king so let’s make some noise’
Carla Gericke (Bill Barger, Reinita Sussman)
Map: ‘TV’
Green Cabin
For Whom: Come shoot short videos! Stop in to say hello to Queen Quill and make her day telling her what you love about the Free State Project. Contribute to content to help attract more Porcupines like YOU!
Activities: Video content makers can use the Green Cabin to shoot short video clips and interviews.
History: We need to create more content to showcase our outstanding community! Come join the fun. Pop in for a quick video take telling us your moving story, your favorite NH spot, or something everyone needs to know before they move! For those who need a bit of prompting, we will have a few standard lines you can say. Come be part of history!


Enjoy Today – ETC! [Misc]
‘Enjoy today!’
Carolyn Urbanski (Burma, Moira, Emily)
Map: ‘ETC’
For Whom:
Activities: A serendipitous mix of products and services on sites RV30-31.
Food – breakfast, beverages, assorted snacks, and light meals;
Merchandise – tinctures & oils, salves/balms, lavender products, handcrafted dream catchers, jewelry, hats, totes, little bags, and other surprises.
Services – massage therapy, Rolfing, henna designs, games, and friendship.
Note: From Moira –
‘Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund’ (The morning hour has gold in it’s mouth)
If you, too, are an early bird – feel free to come purchase a cup of hot (caffeine-free) DandyBlend, or even a plate of breakfast.
Maybe you are already aware of the health benefits of Colloidal Silver.
Have you ever experienced it in combination with Colloidal Gold? With the addition of Rose Essential Oil – which holds the highest frequency of all flowers?
These products and more (bug spray, salves, & tinctures) are created with love, inspiration, and natural ingredients At Dream Barn Hollow, in Chester, VT.
In keeping with this theme of healing, I will be offering a limited number of Rolfing® sessions.
Please check for availability.
Additionally, my unschooled, entrepreneurial 7-year old will have a table with his offerings. Having grown up unschooled, myself, I am happy to engage in any type of conversation around this topic!

___________ [Misc]
‘Come meet the NH Freedomain community. ‘
Jarrod Woodard (James Pyrich, Mitch Riedstra)
Map: ‘FDR’
For Whom: Peaceful parents, moral universalists and philosophers.
Activities: Nothing planned as of yet, but spontaneous goings on may occur. Come chat and say hi.
[Image] [Telegram] [Website]


OZ/KL [Misc]
‘Provisions and Sensory Stimulation’
Kim (Zero) (M. Biteson)
Map: ‘OZ’
For Whom: Family friendly during the day, adult oriented at night.
Activities: Home of Klub Libertine and Ape Brain Games, the OZ hub offers electronic music throughout the week as well as a shop/trading post to buy/sell/trade goods and services.
History: Last year was my first Porcfest and was literally my first week moving to NH. Porcfest XX will be the 1 year anniversary of my arrival in the Granite State and I am going full Anarchocapitalist this time.
Note: Inquire within!
[Image] [Website]


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