The Porcupine Freedom Festival is the flagship annual event of the Free State Project.

Campfires, panel discussions, presentations, movies, live talk shows, dancing, singing, music, food, parties, all around liberty-loving good times, and more are to be found at the most exciting liberty event of the year. PorcFest showcases some of New Hampshire’s finest people and offerings in the scenic White Mountains.
While we will still have great speakers on the Main Stage Pavilion, it’s up to each of YOU to make PorcFest a smashing success by bringing your goodies and wares, your projects and ideas! Pimp your passions from your campsites, or plan a village with some friends. No extra fees apply!
Contact Roger’s Campground to book your accommodation today.
We’re always excited to welcome back our favorite speakers, like David Friedman, Gene Epstein, Lyn Ulbricht, and more, but the focus of PorcFest will be the AMAZING COMMUNITY WE ARE BUILDING. Given how the future is shaping up, face it, there is no better place to be now than TOGETHER in New Hampshire. We want YOU to join us and #MakeYourMove!
Free State Project
Free State Project is encouraging thousands of liberty activists to move to New Hampshire to Live Free and Thrive! We are the most successful mass-migration movement since the closing of the American frontier. Free Staters are apple-pie-baking agorists, hippies and hipsters with guns, farmers with the internet, techies, and sustainable food freedom fighters.
PorcFest is the perfect opportunity for us to showcase New Hampshire’s offerings and for you to reunite with old friends and make plenty of new ones. Whether you’ve lived in New Hampshire for years or are visiting for the first time, we hope you’ll choose to join us for PorcFest.
Principles of PorcFest
- Inspire: Demonstrate the value of the FSP through rhetoric and reality.
- Educate: Expand our understanding of the philosophy of liberty and how to manifest it in our lives.
- Rights: Respect personal and property rights. Clean up after yourselves and each other. Exercise proper firearms etiquette.
- Inclusion: Interact courteously with fellow attendees, vendors, and
volunteers. We welcome and respect people with different backgrounds and philosophies. - Participate: Don’t just attend – volunteer, vend, promote, share your project or passion.
- Community: Uphold and share the values that make us great. Cooperate and collaborate. Contribute to and take advantage of our amazing resources.
- Celebrate: Express your excitement at having found your tribe.
First-timer Tips & FAQ
For more in depth info on what to expect, and how to prepare for your first PorcFest — visit the first-timers page.
The earliest seeds of PorcFest were sown in 2003, when an event by the name of “Escape to New Hampshire” was held. It wasn’t organized by the Free State Project, but is often referred to as “PorcFest Zero.”
In 2004, after New Hampshire had been chosen as the destination for the Free State Project, Tim Condon proposed and organized the First Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival, along side early mover Dave Mincin and NH Native George Reich. It was held at Roger’s Campground, and ran for three days with around 300 participants. The first festival, although small, set the foundation for many activities that are now traditional at PorcFest, such as hiking, campfires, panels, barbecues, and dance parties.
In the years since, PorcFest has seen many changes. The schedule now includes five full days of events, the venue was moved to Gunstock Mountain Resort and then back to Roger’s Campground, and big-name speakers have begun traveling from all over the world to northern New Hampshire. The one thing that has stayed constant is the goal to form and nurture a tight-knit community of current and prospective porcupines. Those who visit one year for a day often return the following year for the entire festival. Many even bring a friend or their families. And quite a few have decided to make the move after their first visit. It’s the best way to keep the fun, freedom, and activism going after PorcFest is over.
Whether you are looking for a relaxing vacation, want an opportunity to get to know like-minded people, or are thinking about making the move, we urge you to join us in Lancaster NH this June! You won’t regret it.