Eventbrite doesn’t (yet) support ticket sales using Bitcoin. We’ll have the ability to purchase tickets using Bitcoin here on http://porcfest.com as soon as we can, but in the meantime you can use a credit card over at https://porcfest.eventbrite.com. When we’re ready to start accepting Bitcoin, we’ll update here and post on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/PorcFest) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/PorcFest).
Interested in speaking at PorcFest or running an event?
This year’s PorcFest will be focused on much more DIY, self-reliance, instructional classes, skill-building, etc. If *YOU* have a burning desire to share your skills with a group of your fellow PorcFest attendees, please read below! We want to hear what you can do for PorcFest!
Hosting an event at Porcfest
PorcFest is now in its 12th year and with the tremendous growth of the event in recent years we are expecting 2000+ attendees for our 2014 event. For 2015, PorcFest will be running from Sunday 6/21 through Sunday 6/28, which places it during the start of school summer break and as a result we are expecting many more families.
The best thing about PorcFest, besides camping with thousands of like-minded individuals for a week, and bacon, is that the schedule is built by those attending; we have very few external speakers at the event and instead most of our schedule is attendees talking to other attendees about interesting things.
What is the theme for 2015?
For 2015, we are continuing the theme of MOVED BY LIBERTY, the Free State Project theme for the calendar year. We are targeting discussions, presentations and DIY events that showcase the how-tos and results around implementing IDEAS IN MOTION. These can be events which share stories of best practices for libertarians, business and entrepreneurs; alternative forms of education, currency, community planning; teach practical skills; or can make ones life as a new mover or resident in NH, easier. We are happy to host talks that do not fit with this theme but those that do help people learn self-sufficiency and how to turn inspiration into action will be given schedule priority.
In the spirit of this theme we will have one tent dedicated to interactive and maker-style classes and another dedicated to speakers & educators. There is also the Atlas Society Tent that will host philosophy and AltExpo tracks during the week.
What kind of events can I run?
Classes, parties, panels, solo talks, kid’s events, social events and anything else you can imagine.
A diverse schedule improves the event for everyone so the events that have the highest impact, are the most interesting and add diversity to the schedule are more likely to be accepted for PorcFest.
While PorcFest is a liberty-minded event we also like to see events that are interesting but unrelated to liberty on the schedule, if you would like to talk about something which may be of interest to those attending feel free to submit an application for it.
Event and Speaker Spaces
There are three main presentation and event spaces at PorcFest this year:
○ Main Pavilion
○ Interactive Maker Tent
○ Atlas Society Tent
In addition, we may have space available in the following:
○ Picnic area (2 available)
○ Bingo Hall – typically houses PorcuPints and Family Activities
○ Arcade – typically houses dance classes and lessons
○ Basketball courts (not shaded)
Lastly, Ian Freeman runs and manages time slots for live broadcasts and podcast coverage for the event week on LRN.FM gear. If you have a request to do a show or bring your podcast hour to PorcFest, please contact him directly to secure slot at: Ian@FreeTalkLive.com.
What equipment is available for events?
A projector will be available for all events on request. You will need to supply your own jumpdrive ready (preferred PDF or PowerPoint slide presentation), and have your laptop available as backup. A kitchen is available for use for any cooking/food prep classes that run.
We are also happy to arrange other equipment if it will add value for attendees, depending on cost to the organization.
What do we want attendees to get out of events?
As well as teaching them new skills we would very much like attendees to have something to show from attending events. An attendee learning to make yogurt should be involved in the process, rather than just watching the process, and have some yogurt to take away with them at the end.
Can I charge for an event?
Events can be paid as long as payment is to meet materials cost plus a very modest fee to cover your time setting up the event. Events without materials cost (IE standard speakers) may not be paid events.
For some classes we may be willing to cover materials cost so the class remains free to attendees, if you would like your event to be considered for this then please note so in the signup form.
Anything particular that you are looking for?
Many attendees are entrepreneurially minded and in the spirit of agora we would like to turn this in to real ideas for products and services. We are happy to have suggestions that engage different groups and affinities at PorcFest.
How much time will I get?
Solo talks will all receive a 30 minute slot and panels will receive a 60 minute slot. If you will require more time then this please note on the application and we will review on a case by case basis.
Classes can use as much time as they need but will automatically receive an hour unless the application notes they will require more, classes we generally be granted as much time as they need.
Other events are dealt with on a case by case basis, please note in the application how much time you will need if you are applying for a non-standard event.
How many events can I host?
As many as you like, if you have a hundred ideas then you are free to submit them all and let us pick out the best ones.
I have questions
If you have any questions about hosting an event then drop us a line at info@porcfest.com.
The dates for the final selections will be in two rounds and you will be notified by these dates based on your submission date:
● 4/20/14
● 5/20/14
Application Requirements
Please submit the following to info@porcfest.com and you will be connected with the lead for each space on site.
● Name and contact info
● Bio
● Brief overview of event or presentation, panel
● Any technical requirements
You will be notified regarding your event in the week of selection.
Thank you for helping make Porcfest!
PFXII Organizers Team