Staying Here

There is still festival on-site campground space available for PorcFest 2025!

Roger’s Campground and Motel
10 Rogers Campground Road
Lancaster NH 03584

Roger’s takes PorcFest reservations via phone.

Roger’s Campground Phone Number: 1-603-788-4885

In order to book a campsite, you will need to purchase your PorcFest ticket first, and give the ticket number to Roger’s at the time of booking a site. Don’t delay! Campsites sell out quickly!

Cabot Inn and Suites

Cabot Inn & Suites

200 Portland St
Lancaster, NH
0.4 miles away

Lancaster Motor Inn

The Lancaster Motel

112 Main St (Rt. 2 & 3)
Lancaster, NH 03584
2 miles away

The Lancaster Motel (formerly The Lancaster Motor Inn) is the least expensive nearby option. The motel is located in downtown Lancaster near various restaurants, a grocery store, and the Saturday farmers market.
Mountain View Grand

Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa

101 Mountain View Road
Whitefield NH
2.8 miles away
(603) 837-2100

If you have high standards and desire upscale accommodations, the Mountain View Grand is for you! This absolutely stunning hotel is often the backdrop for upscale weddings and events, and features luxury rooms at a luxury price.

Other Locations

Expand your search for lodging beyond Lancaster.


Attendees may be seeking to get rid of, or share, their reservation. You may also ask for what you want, offering an attractive price that might entice someone to trade/share.
Chat with other attendees about renting rooms or houses, maybe share hotels, RVs, or campsites, or stay at their campgrounds: