PorcFest XI Media Recap

PorcFest XI was a fantastic event with many new faces, an amazing display of community, and an impressive amount of media coverage. Below are some of the news stories, articles and podcasts that have featured PorcFest coverage. Photos and videos from the event are in the process of being posted, and some can already be seen on the PorcFest Facebook page.

Build Your Own AR-15 at PorcFest

Join us at for the Shaolin Rifleworks: Build Your Own AR-15 Workshop at PorcFest.

During this four hour class, you will learn to understand, build, maintain, and troubleshoot AR pattern rifles.

Price includes class time, instructional materials, and all parts (except stripped lower receiver, which you will provide) needed to build a 16″ M4 clone.

For more details and for any questions see https://www.facebook.com/events/532689903523661/ and get your tickets now at http://porcfest.com/register

Spots in this class are strictly limited to 15 and you can pay for this class with Bitcoin!


Confirm Your Lodging Reservations Now

Important! If you registered with Roger’s Campground sometime between last PorcFest and November, and have NOT already received a callback, please contact Roger’s to confirm they have your reservation.

For more information on lodging options, please see our Staying Here page.

Our Weekend at Liberty Forum 2014

We just wrapped up a fantastic weekend at Liberty Forum! It was impressive to meet so many new people who will be joining us for the first time, as well as catch up with some PorcFest veterans who will be attending their 11th event this year!


A big thank you to everyone who stopped by the PorcFest table for tickets and conversation, and special thanks to those who went above and beyond with generous donations and sponsorships.

If you didn’t have a chance to register at Liberty Forum, register now! Early Bird price is available through Friday!



Registration is now open!

Hello all,

Today is an exciting day. After much planning, discussing, and coordinating, we’re pleased to launch the updated PorcFest.com and registration for PorcFest XI, being held June 22-29, 2014 at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster NH.

This awesome PorcFest website was designed by porcupine Marcus Connor, so be sure to give him a high-five when you see him at…


Yes, we’re quite proud of the new logo too.

If this will be your first PorcFest, welcome! Click here to get the low-down on where to stay, what’s around, and other tips. Heck, some PorcFest pros might not know all this stuff!

Finally, if you have any questions or would like to get involved, please feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

So are you now as excited as we are? Great! Register today, stay tuned on Facebook, and we’ll see you in Lancaster!

Registration opens February 20th!

PorcFest ticket prices will be announced and registration will be open February 20th to coincide with the start of Liberty Forum. You do not have to attend LF to buy tix to PF. Stay tuned for details!


Interested in speaking at Porcfest or running an event?


2015 Info

PorcFest XII 2015 Info
The below post is regarding last year’s event (2014).

This year’s PorcFest will be focused on much more DIY, self-reliance, instructional classes, skill-building, etc. If *YOU* have a burning desire to share your skills with a group of your fellow PorcFest attendees, please read below! We want to hear what you can do for PorcFest!

Hosting an event at Porcfest

Porcfest is now in its 11th year and with the tremendous growth of the event in recent years we are expecting 2000+ attendees for our 2014 event. For 2014 Porcfest will be running a week later than in previous years, from Sunday 6/22 through Sunday 6/29, which places it during the start of school summer break and as a result we are expecting many more families than in previous years.

The best thing about Porcfest, besides camping with thousands of libertarians for a week, and bacon, is that the schedule is built by those attending; we have very few external speakers at the event and instead most of our schedule is attendees talking to other attendees about interesting things.

What is the theme for 2014?
For 2014 we are targeting DIY events, events which teach self-sufficiency skills and can make your day to day life easier. We are happy to host talks which do not fit with this theme but those that do help people learn something new will be given schedule priority.

In the spirit of this theme we will have a facility dedicated to classes and another dedicated to speakers & panels.

What kind of events can I run?
Classes, parties, panels, solo talks, kid’s events, social events and anything else you can imagine.

A diverse schedule improves the event for everyone so the events which have the highest impact, are the most interesting and add diversity to the schedule are more likely to be accepted for Porcfest.

While Porcfest is a liberty event we also like to see events that are interesting but unrelated to liberty on the schedule, if you would like to talk about something which isn’t quite liberty but may be of interest to those attending feel free to submit an application for it.

What equipment is available for events?
A projector will be available for all events on request. You will need to supply your own laptop and tech support will be on hand to help you hook your laptop up. A kitchen is available for use for any cooking/food prep classes which run.

We are also happy to arrange other equipment if it will add value for attendees, for example if you would like to teach an electronics class then we would be happy to investigate bringing in soldering stations for attendees.

What do we want attendees to get out of events?
As well as teaching them new skills we would very much like attendees to have something to show from attending events. An attendee learning to make yogurt should be involved in the process, rather than just watching the process, and have some yogurt to take away with them at the end.

Can I charge for an event?
Events can be paid as long as payment is to meet materials cost plus a very modest fee to cover your time setting up the event. Events without materials cost (IE standard speakers) may not be paid events.

For some classes we may be willing to cover materials cost so the class remains free to attendees, if you would like your event to be considered for this then please note so in the signup form.

Anything particular that you are looking for?
Many attendees are entrepreneurially minded and in the spirit of agora we would like to turn this in to real ideas for products and services. If we can find the right speakers we could very much like to run a 5 day startup program, the general schedule of this might look something like

○ Speaker: Conceptualizing ideas.
○ Group: Introductions, I am x and I know y
○ Group: Idea brainstorming
○ Outcome: Organize into groups based on the ideas attendees like
○ Speaker: Physical Product Design
○ Speaker: Software Rapid Prototyping
○ Group: Product design mentoring, early stage product design with people who have done it before on hand to help
○ Outcome: Early non-functional prototype
○ Speaker: Business planning
○ Speaker: Capital sources, crowdfunding etc.
○ Group: Setting a price point, planning for revenue and writing very brief business plan
○ Outcome: Business plan around team product
○ Speaker: Marketing your idea
○ Speaker: Learning to let go of an idea if it is wrong ○ Group: Learning to talk about your product and designing advertising around it
○ Group: Product presentations, pick up new help for your team from late PF arrivals
○ Outcome: Cohesive marketing plan for the product, understanding of target market
○ Speaker: Legally incorporating and understanding contracts
○ Group: Finishing a prototype. Mentors on hand to help you understand what does and doesn’t need to be in your prototype
○ Outcome: Finished prototype
○ Speaker: Next steps, incubators
○ Group: Prime time presentation of your prototype to all of PF
○ Outcome: Successful startup

For this program we would provide whiteboards, meeting/workspace for teams as well as any other logistical support which is within our means. Ideally the classes would feed in to this process such that as attendees gain other skills during the week these would feed back into their ideas, someone who takes a “Starting Microcomputing class” might take their new StrawberryPi experience and apply it with their group to an automation idea they had.

If you are interested in championing this program, organizing speakers for PFStartup events and acting as a mentor to teams please get in touch; we are REALLY interested in hearing from you.

How much time will I get?
Solo talks will all receive a 30 minute slot and panels will receive a 60 minute slot. If you will require more time then this please note on the application and we will review on a case by case basis.

Classes can use as much time as they need but will automatically receive an hour unless the application notes they will require more, classes we generally be granted as much time as they need.

Other events are dealt with on a case by case basis, please note in the application how much time you will need if you are applying for a non-standard event.

How many events can I host?
As many as you like, if you have a hundred ideas then you are free to submit them all and let us pick out the best ones.

I have questions
If you have any questions about hosting an event then drop us a line at speaker@porcfest.com.

Ok, I have read all that and have a great idea. Now what?
Porcfest will have events booked in three separate allocations to ensure everyone has time to apply and we  don’t miss out on any late but awesome ideas. A single allocation will be for approximately one third of the available schedule space and everyone who applies will be notified at the selection point if they have been  selected or held over until the next selection point. Inappropriate events or events that we are unable to facilitate will be notified on submission so you have an opportunity to revise if possible.

The dates for these selections will be;
● 2/27/14
● 4/20/14
● 5/22/14

You will be notified regarding your event in the week following the selection process.

The application can be found here and we ask you fill it in as fully as possible so we have all the information we need.

Thank you for helping make Porcfest!

PFXI Organizers Team


Porcfest X Media Recap

PorcFest X was a fantastic event with record-setting attendance and an amazing amount of media coverage. Below are some of the news stories, articles and podcasts that have featured PorcFest coverage. Photos and videos from the event are in the process of being posted, and some can already be seen on the PorcFest Facebook page.

Michael Boldin to Deliver Friday Keynote

Everyone, we have some tough news. Lew Rockwell will not be able to attend PorcFest this year. We hope to see him at a future FSP event.

Fortunately, Michael Boldin – founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center – has graciously stepped up to deliver our keynote. His talk, “From 0 to Rothbard: An Action Plan for Liberty,” promises to touch on similar themes, taking stock of our progress in the liberty movement and setting out a bold vision for our future.

Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you’re ready for an epic PorcFest X!

Register now! Online Registration Closes June 1st

PorcFest X is coming! With over 200 scheduled sessions and record-breaking RSVP numbers, this year is shaping up to be a big one. View the full schedule here and start filling up your dance card.

Don’t wait to register$50 registration is only available through June 1, including special events that require pre-registration like the Black Powder Rifle Class or Field Expedient Medical Kit workshop. Please note: In order to encourage you to sign up NOW, registration will be closed between June 1 and June 16, at which time the door price will increase to $75 for the whole week or $30 for a one-day pass. You have been warned!